Not bad.
Not bad.
Sincerely, I believe this deserves a higher score
The animation was phenomenal. I didn't care all too much for the audio, but the animation and art alone should have gotten this a higher score.
5/5, No doubt about it.
Hopefully in time it will go up. :) Thanks for your support!
Why must it be so?
I'm going to go play Wow now and drink soda pop while I await my shipment of Minecraft... Naa I'm just kidding. I haven't ordered Minecraft yet. :D
Great animation. Great message.
Could've had better visuals but...
I thought it was funny so you got the 5/5.
This is the funniest video I've seen
since..... I don't even remember. This is so great. This deserves a 5/5.
Keep up the funny stuff.
This is awesome.
The internet needs more flash movies like this. This is really fresh and entertaining.
Loved all of it
But 19 was hilarious to the max. Just pure creativeness. You totally own at flash.
Simply phenomenal
You are the greatest flash animator who ever existed (so far.) This is the perfect blend of creepy and dark. Great animation, sound effects, music, character design, etc. Its all just so awesome.
I've migrated to for most things. I grew up on PC games, Newgrounds animation, Nintendo games and chocolate shakes. Now I'm designing my own games, animating cartoons, making pixel art and I found out I'm lactose intolerant
Joined on 6/3/08